Days (total): 178 (1471) | December 2016 at the end of part 2 (until Ozurgeti, Georgia)
Days on The Bicycle: 76
Cycled Kilometres: 6917km
Hours On The Bike (min.): 345:03:35h | 14 Days 9 Hours 3 Minutes 53 Seconds
Hours Per Day2, 3 (Average | Median): 4:23:25h | 5:22:07h
Kilometres Per Day2: 90.91km | 93.78km
Average Speed Per Day2: 20km/h | 17.5km/h
Max. Speed: 69.3km/h (Turkey)
Longest Distance In One Day: 157.99km (Poland)
Longest Time In The Saddle : 8:28:47h (Turkey)
Altitude Difference: ↗123’121m ↘123’023m
Nights In The Tent: 41
Nights Under The Sky4: 9
Nights In Abandoned Buildings: 5
Nights Being Invited Home5: 6
Flat Tires: 0
Broken Parts6: 6 (front rack, 2 rack screws, fixation rope, KEMO M172/Hub->USB, pump of stove)
Break Shoe Pairs Changed: 4
Accidents: 0
Things Stolen: 0
Times Bicycle Locked: 0
Book Count: 29
Times Trumpet Played: 3
1 Without long-time stay in Ukraine
2 On days cycling
3 Absolute cycling time; Time from start to destination due to break is ca. 3-5h more
4 Everything not being a house or tent (e.g. pavilion in a park)
5 Without Couchsurfing or Warmshowers
6All fixed