**Easter in Ukrainian**
The Orthodox Easter was about to start and everyone was preparing it which means basically everyone is preparing lots of food.
On Friday we went by bike to a nearby coal mine with no environemnent protection. While walking around some (of course drunk) workers came and chased us away, because we could be some separatists who want to place bombs on the area – but we didn’t cross anything like a fence.
In the evening, like the following evenings, we gathered at Sava’s place (where I was staying, too) and drank and sang Ukrainian songs.
Saturday we went to Sasha a shot bow and arrow in the forest and on Sunday morning we went to church to let the priest sanctify the traditional Ukrainian basket with eggs, bread (Pasku) and some other food. I could wear the traditional Ukrainian shirt. Then Sava, his parents and me drove with the Lada Niva 1600 to the house of Sava’s father mom to eat. After that we drove to the family of Sava’s cousin to eat.
In Easter people don’t greet each other with a simple “Hello”, but with “Christ resurrected” – “He truely resurrected”.
But is was not only eaten since Sava’s family sang a lot, a lot of traditional Ukrainian folk songs and it was really nice to listen.
In the evening we drove to the mom of Sava’s mom, but didn’t eat that much anymore because we were full.
But Monday morning started with a big breakfast and some Vodka. After breakfast Sava took me to the church of the protestants (called “Stoonde” in slang, which we Germans say for “hour”). The church was basically just a living room in a normal house.
It was strange and I would not go there a second time, but it was a good experience. It was longer than the protestant worships I know from Germany or Iran and people were crying and praying so much. One guy prayed for what felt 15 minutes and you couldn’t tell when a sentence was over – a horrbile intonation. We also sang some song, even I joined, but for Easter they were quite sad. After worship we were invited to the house of the priest were delicious sweets were served.
Then we took Sava’s cousin Andrei and drove home to Sosnivka – until the Niva broke down. So Sava’s mother, Andrei and me took the bus.
On Tuesday Sava’s parents organised a lunch for children who are living under difficult situations, we participated and helped a bit, then played some football and had a dancing party in the evening and on Wednesday Sava and me drove to a camp of gypsies who are living near Sosnvika. I bought some candies and was surrounded by the children, even before, but especially after I pulled out the sweets all the little dirty hands were strechted to me.